Early this morning a fox ran across the road in front of my car. Being interested in Shamanism, I immediately wondered what the symbolism of the red fox represented.
"Fox Medicine" at
www.birdclan.org/fox.htm says:
" If fox shows up in your life it is a sign that you are to be aware of the actions of the world around you. The world is shape shifting and growing into new patterns all the time. Use the art of camouflage and keep cunningly silent about who and what you are observing. After observing for a while you will become aware of certain patterns of predictability in situations and you will know what to do. Fox's medicine of camouflage teaches Oneness with all."
Several years ago I took an introductory Shamanism class where I learned how to journey and a bit about Power Animals and Spirit Guides/guardians.
The basic practice of contemporary core shamanism is the shamanic "journey." This is an experience that usually lasts from 10 to 20 minutes. Rhythmic sound from a drum or rattle can be used to guide the "journeyer" into a receptive relaxed state, and she has an experience like a lucid dream, which unfolds as she lies or sits quietly and travels to non-ordinary reality in her imagination. The journeyer asks questions for guidance. In shamanic journeys, people can swim like fish, fly over mountains, visit the spirits of people not physically present, and it feels real. Everyone's experience is unique and personally meaningful to them.

As I journeyed, I kept a log. Some of my journeys were incredibly complex, and the instructor felt they were highly symbolic. Two memorable journeys included my guardian Lumen, the cougar, who was also a power animal along with Abbo, the crow.
June 24, 2004
I entered the tunnel and went through the doors to the Polynesian ruin. Lumen joined me immediately, and we walked to the rainforest pool. I retrieved the sand dollar. We went through the waterfall into the jungle. We found the ape (chimp) with the book. I asked him what his name was -- received Myth/Mist. It became clear that his name was Myst.
I told him I wanted to discover the meaning of the remaining points of the star (in the sand dollar). The first three were TRUTH, TRUST, and LOVE.
Myst (ape) directed Lumen and me to a path. We walked down that path and the crow joined us. I asked the crow what he was called/known by, and he replied, ABBO.
The three of us eventually came into a clearing. In the clearing was a labyrinth which was in the shape of the star in the middle of a sand dollar. We entered the labyrinth, Abbo on my shoulder, and Lumen beside me. There were five traverses around the five points of the star. In the process of walking, I found the meaning of the remaining two points: HONOR/RESPECT and PEACE. All three of us completed the walk and sat within the center of the labyrinth. Abbo gave me a black feather from his wing.
When we left, we returned the way we had come. We met up with Myst again and I told him I had found the remaining meanings of the star points.
Abbo faded out of the picture, but Lumen and I returned to the pool through the waterfall. We parted there. I took the black feather with me, walked through the fire and back to the present.
Research -- Abbo was a Benedictine monk who lived in the late 900's. He was a scholar and wrote about astronomy, physics, philosophy, etc.
June 26, 2004
Lumen met me at the Polynesian ruins. I told him my intent for the journey -- to find the Indian chief. We walked to the prairie and I saw blue feathers in Lumen's eyes. We walked past a stone outcrop, like a mesa. Eventually we sat and built a fire. "Half-Moon" came to me -- Lumen and I sat by the fire until it got dark. The moon was half full.
The chief appeared out of the dark carrying a peace pipe. He sat down by the fire and smoked the pipe. I asked him why he was important -- what was his purpose? He said he was to remind me to stay balanced and connected to the earth. We sat there awhile. I asked if the chief was a guardian or spirit guide -- no real response.
I asked Lumen if he was a guardian or animal totem, and he is BOTH. We sat there until dawn when the chief left and Lumen and I returned to the ruin. I asked Lumen why I saw things in his eyes. "portent. . . portent. . . portent. . . " he replied.