"When the emotions are strong one should paint bamboo; in a light mood one should paint the orchid." - Chueh Yin I visited
Parkside Orchid Nursery the other day and was graciously permitted to photograph. Unfortunately I will not be able to provide the names of these orchids which I have posted. Remember, you can view these photographs full size if you click directly over the image.
Some of the plants in one greenhouse had just been sprinkled, and I shot this opening bud with water droplets.

I found this shot fascinating because I captured a bud and the flower, both full front and in profile.

I was intrigued by the jagged edges on this orchid. I love this photo because the short depth of field makes it more artistically interesting.

Here is a close-up of the same flower on a different angle. The extreme blurring in the background is called
bokeh. Bokeh can be accidental, but many photographers adjust their camera settings to get an intentional bokeh effect.

The shape and color of this orchid fascinated me, and I loved this cluster.

I think this image will make a lovely notecard.

So many orchids have faces. What kind of face do you see in the center of this one?

This was one of my "art" shots. Major bokeh here -- I love the ruffled edge of one petal and the gorgeous color of pink.
If you would like to see the rest of my orchid photographs, please visit my
gallery on my photography website. You won't be disappointed! I welcome comments here as well as on my gallery.