Wednesday, October 06, 2010


"There is an Indian proverb or axiom that says everyone is a house with four rooms: a physical, a mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time, but unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person." ~Rumer Godden

I like this metaphor for the different aspects of who we are. I reflect upon MY four rooms. At times I feel I can be in several rooms simultaneously. When I do nature or macro photography, I am definitely in a mental, emotional, and spiritual room at the same time. . .

Is YOUR house well balanced? Do YOU spend time in all your rooms? Please share your thoughts about how you spend time in your rooms as a comment below. It is very simple and makes the blog even more interesting to my readers.

1 comment:

Honeygo Beasley said...

Sometimes I like to be in the physical room A LOT. That's when I really feel in the moment.

The emotional room is one I'd like to spend more time in but the world is always beating at my door calling me away.

The mental room is so easy to access. I tend to wander there A LOT. I'd like to spend less time there ... let me liken it to the kitchen. Don't want to be snacking too much or thinking and rationalizing the heck out of everything either.

The spiritual room is a sometimes room for me. I want to go there A LOT MORE. And need to put time aside to make sure I do my time there. I know the door's always open and even when I'm not fully in the room, I can look in and discover something new.