Saturday, March 20, 2010


"An optimist is the human personification of spring."
(Susan J. Bissonette)

These little yellow flowers eventually flower profusely, making the woods look like they are carpeted in sunshine. I do not know the name of this flower. Leave a comment if you can identify it.

Trees are beginning to bud, and this one also had a wonderful scent.

I think this is a magnolia tree. It was gorgeous. It almost looked like snow was on the branches, and here and there were blossoms which had opened.

This is a macro of the blossoms on my Japonica bush outside my kitchen window. The scent is very sweet and attracts lots of bees. I just got this 100mm f2.8 macro lens and have been having lots of fun with it. It's challenging to use, and I seem to throw away more photos than I save.

Here is one bee on the Japonica caught with my macro lens.

A certain harbinger of spring -- crocus!

Mallard pilates.

Canada goose. I was thrilled with the sharp focus. I shot this one from my car!


Honeygo Beasley said...

Hi Deb!

I didn't know ducks do pilates! LOL

Love the detail on the shot you took from your car and the close up of the bees. (Bees were out already???)

Today we get all the rain. Could get some nice shots with an umbrella outside today!


Debbie said...

Shooting in the rain produces very dramatic lighting and color -- just have to be careful the camera doesn't get too wet. With my camera, it would be difficult to shoot and hold an umbrella because my camera needs two hands.

Honeygo Beasley said...

Yes, you do get nice shots in the rain but have to be very careful, especially with your high-end equipment. You inspired me to buy flowers for inside my home! I am looking at daffodils ... love that yellow!