Saturday, December 05, 2009


I finally found the type of moss I'd been wanting to photograph for months. Instead of just being a soft carpet of green, it has upward growing tendrils. I'd love to photograph this moss after a rain or frost. I didn't have my close-up lenses with me, so I used my 17-85mm zoom and shot on the macro setting of that lens. I played with depth of field which is simply the range of focus from front to back of the image. In a short dof, only a small part of the image is in focus, and in a long dof, the entire photograph will be in focus. In macro photography the depth of field is extremely narrow (short), and, in my opinion, makes close-up images fascinating.

The reason I titled today's entry PET PEEVE is because I get very disturbed when I read the misuse of "me" and "I." I guess it is my grammar background.
"Thank you for taking pictures of Hannah and I."
"Thank you for taking pictures of Hannah and me."

Most people would say Hannah and I which is incorrect. In this case, Hannah and me is the correct use of "me." A simple test to do if you are one of those who are uncertain is to phrase the sentence quickly in your mind using just me or I . . . most people can distinguish the proper use. Instead of using lots of fancy grammatical jargon, I believe that most people who struggle with the proper use of me and I will find this test easier to do.

"Thank you for taking pictures of I."
"Thank you for taking pictures of me."
I think all of you will agree that the correct use is "me" in this sentence. So, therefore, the proper use is: "Thank you for taking pictures of Hannah and me."

"My mom and I will go to the store today."
"My mom and me will go to the store today."
"Me and my mom will go to the store today."

Which is correct? Do the test.
"I will go to the store today."
"Me will go to the store today."
The correct one is the first one, "My mom and I will go to the store today."
Sorry for reverting to teacher mode, but if only one person finds this helpful, then the entry was worthwhile.

So, having said all that, Hannah and I are going out this afternoon and will take a walk where she can run off leash.
Have a great weekend!


Hillary- A Photographer Friend said...

Oooh, I am right with you in the misuse of 'me' and 'I'. My mother was a teacher, so I was taught that lesson at a very young age!

Honeygo Beasley said...

Did you get peeved looking at one of me posts with the misuse of I? LOL - me hopes not!