Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I was so grateful to receive four invitations to Thanksgiving celebrations. How fortunate I am to have a wonderful circle of friends who thought about me this first Thanksgiving since mother's death. But solitude called to me, and I listened. I decided to take Hannah and head to the New Jersey shore to spend time at Island Beach State Park. We walked the shore line for 2 1/2 hours in a light rain. I photographed, picked up stones and shells, listened to the waves breaking, and watched Hannah enjoy her first experience with the ocean. We were alone on the beach. Except for several fishermen we passed no one, saw no one. We were alone with the sea spray and the screaming gulls.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Two rare birds at McNeil Avian Center
Southern White Rhino
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Monday, November 08, 2010
A friend gave me a pile of old magazines, and as I was browsing through them I came upon this article titled MASTERS OF THE MOMENT -- a collection of thoughts from well known people from different walks of life. Today's reflection is from Kristine Tompkins who is the former CEO of Patagonia. She has, along with her husband, bought up 2.2 million acres in Argentina and Chile to create new national parks.
Quote from Kristine Tompkins: "The millions of species with whom we share the Earth have intrinsic value. We have to reach, if not perfect harmony between man and the natural world, at least a truce. I have a border collie-like personality -- I'm happiest with a job to do. I glaze over if things are going smoothly, and excel when faced with very big problems. You see something that needs to be changed? Jump out of your chair and put your shoulder to the sheel."
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
I like this metaphor for the different aspects of who we are. I reflect upon MY four rooms. At times I feel I can be in several rooms simultaneously. When I do nature or macro photography, I am definitely in a mental, emotional, and spiritual room at the same time. . .
Is YOUR house well balanced? Do YOU spend time in all your rooms? Please share your thoughts about how you spend time in your rooms as a comment below. It is very simple and makes the blog even more interesting to my readers.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Portrait of Stephen Wilkes by Greg Gorman

When I viewed the exhibit at Michener in July, I just assumed that the photographs were digital and wondered how they could be enlarged and retain the depth of field and sharp detail and focus. I learned that he took these photographs using an 8 X 10 (large format) camera which uses film (ala Ansel Adams). He took only three photographs in each room with some exposures being as long as 15 minutes! His first negatives came out completely black, so he had to go back and do it all over again. "It happens to all of us," he said.
Below is the photograph Wilkes has titled "Blue Room."

This project ran from 1998 to 2003 with the goal of raising funds to help preserve and stabilize the historic buildings on Ellis Island. His emphasis was on the hospital and wards. Ironically, Wilkes said, it was the act of stabilization that made it more and more difficult to move about the buildings and find the quality of light for his images.
Wilkes also shared that this five year project was life changing for him. His mother was a concentration camp survivor, and there was a similar energy at Ellis Island that spoke profoundly to him. He definitely felt a connection between the two.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

~Richard Bach
This is one of my favorite photos because it so aptly illustrates the name of the lake, Lake In The Clouds. I saw the reflection while I was being treated to an amazing morning ride in their boat, which was propelled by a quiet electric motor.