Saturday, May 08, 2010


"I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance."
~ Pablo Casals

It was my intention to post this about a week ago, but when I went to publish it, the musings disappeared. Now I do not even recall the thoughts I wrote.

It seems a bit odd to me that many people refer to care-giving as caretaking. The whole essence of caring for someone who is no longer able to care for him or herself is an act of giving by the person doing it. Caretaking seems to imply a whole different attitude towards the emotional and physical energy invested in caring for someone.

1 comment:

Honeygo Beasley said...

How true Debs. Caregiving is the correct word - I write about it when writing about certain health insurance plans that offer services for caregivers. Caretaker is what you would call a person who takes care of grounds in park or some other NON human thing/area/animal, etc., I've always thought.

Caretakers are at zoos, cemeteries ... not in hospitals, homes, hospice care facilities, or nursing homes. Caregivers - that is the correct word for people caring for people.