Yesterday afternoon I took a trip to the little village of Rushland which is like taking a step back in time. In the immediate village there are about 8 or 9 victorian style homes along with the post office, a warehouse business area, and Davis Feed Mill. My destination was Davis for bird seed. This is a snapshot of the old train station across the street from the feed mill which is now vacant after serving as a craft shop for a few years. You can see the tracks in the foreground.

The post office was closed. It is run by a postmaster who is very grumpy when the PO Box numbers are not included on the envelopes. This is a really old-time post office.

Davis Feed Mill has been in business for many, many years. It is a family business, and it has a very unique character. As long as I had horses, I bought my grain, bedding, and most of my supplies there. The prices were always lower than the tack shops in the area.

Here is one of the outdoor storage areas. To the left is straw, and hay is to the right. Do you know the difference between hay and straw? Hay is a grass -- orchard grass, timothy, alfalfa, clover. Straw is the stem of wheat, oats, barley, which is baled after the grain is harvested. Straw is often used for bedding as it can be recycled by mushroom growers. Because manure disposal is such a problem, this is why some people prefer using straw. The most popular choice of bedding for horses is wood chips. They come in big paper bales, but disposal is sometimes very difficult.

Davis carries a wide variety of items -- gardening supplies, fencing supplies, horse and pet needs, bird seed, Breyer Horses, farm and outdoor gear, etc. . . There's a bulletin board inside that advertises horses, dogs, cats, and farm animals for sale along with help wanted ads.

This is the equine aisle -- all kinds of tack and supplies such as fly spray, hoof dressings, supplements, bandages, bell and exercise boots, wound care, wormers, salt blocks. . .

This aisle displays dog and cat food, kitty litter, odor control items, first aid remedies, and dog and cat beds. To the right there is an aisle with fish and bird supplies. . . and also supplies for small animals like pet mice, rats, hamsters, ferrets, and guinea pigs.

Mary has worked at Davis for many years. Here she is ringing up my bill. I went for bird seed and suet, but I got lucky and found a 100% waterproof Harry Hall (British) jacket at 50% off! It was a perfect fit, and I bought it! Harry Hall gear has always been coveted by equestrians because of its fine quality. This is my first Harry Hall item ever. . . and I don't have a horse! But it will be fabulous for walking Hannah in cold and wet weather.

After I'd paid for my purchases, this gentleman helped me carry my things out to the car -- a service that isn't usually provided these days. But that is Davis Feed Mill for you --
I love older businesses like that! Thank you for showing everyone this little slice of Americana!
Wonderful information of the area and great PR for an established well respected business. Love your photojournalistic style to walk us through your visit! Thanks for the link!
hey your blog design is very nice, neat and fresh and with updated content, make people feel peace and I always enjoy browsing your site.
- Thomas
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