This photo was taken last spring and is available from me as an attractive notecard.
"How does one keep from growing old inside? Surely only in community. The only way to make friends with time is to stay friends with people…. Taking community seriously not only gives us the companionship we need, it also relieves us of the notion that we are indispensable." (Robert McAfee Brown)
When I attended the American Association of School Libraries Conference in 2006, I heard Dr. Ross Todd, an amazingly inspirational visionary in the field of school librarianship. He is Associate Professor at Rutgers University School of Communication, Information & Library Studies, Department of Library & Information Science. He is also the Director of CISSL
(Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries).
Dr. Todd emphasized that READING not become a lost art – today we find ourselves in a sort of CATCH 22 situation when it comes to reading. Librarians have always been strong proponents for reading, but now their jobs also require them to be leaders in technology. Reading has been victimized by the digital information explosion. We need to re-think and create reading incentives that incorporate technology. . . . and to get kids to read, we need to address the reasons why they don’t.
Several years ago I read a marvelous article where the British Royal Society of Literature asked authors to nominate 10 books they think children should read before they leave school. This was part of a quest to develop a universal list. Most named well known classics like Alice in Wonderland, Dr. Seuss, Catcher in the Rye, something by Shakespeare, or The Hobbit.
But, in my opinion, African poet and novelist Ben Okri came up with the best reading list which he titled 10 1/2 Inclinations.
1. There is a secret trail of books meant to inspire and enlighten you. Find that trail.
2. Read outside your own nation, color, class, gender.
3. Read the books your parents hate.
4. Read the books your parents love.
5. Have one or two authors that are important, that speak to you; and make their works your secret passion.
6. Read widely, for fun, stimulation, escape.
7. Don’t read what everyone else is reading. Check them out later, cautiously.
8. Read what you’re not supposed to read.
9. Read for your own liberation and mental freedom.
10. Books are like mirrors. Don’t just read the words. Go into the mirror. That is where the real secrets are. Inside. Behind. That’s where the gods dream, where our realities are born.
10½. Read the world. It is the most mysterious book of all.
And now I have a new look for my blog as well.
The photograph is of our cat Kristie who is 18 years old.