Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Dr. Rich encourages us to not dread the darkness but to embrace it.
Dr. Judith Rich, Featured Contributor, The Huffington Post
Having spent nearly a lifetime dreading the onset of winter with its short days and long nights, I now hold this season of darkness as most sacred. Learning to honor Winter Solstice has transformed my relationship with winter and subsequently this entire season of long nights. I've gone from fearing darkness to embracing its rich possibilities where silence meets stillness and invites me to turn inward.
In the busyness of this time, with holiday parties, shopping, cooking, and rituals shared with family and friends, include time for stillness and reflection on the evening of Solstice to honor the pregnant possibilities of the dark.
With the Solstice approaching, and in the spirit of embracing its darkness, I share this replay of a post I wrote last year. May you find comfort here.
Solstice = Standing-Still-Sun
Dec. 21st, we enter the belly of the night.
Winter Solstice: We come to the portal that separates darkness from light. Standing in this arch of time where Earth takes a breath before facing us back towards the sun, we too, take a breath, turn inward, pause in this moment of fullness and let darkness reveal its gifts.
Winter Solstice: A time to look back at the year gone by, gather its lessons and put them in the stew of your life. Time to let the heat of your presence cook the stew. Render the lessons into the sweet nectar of wisdom. Then drink of it. One-small-sip-at-a-time.
Winter Solstice: A time to let the longest night of the year seduce you into stillness. Time to silence inner voices, listen to the beating of your own heart. Time to breathe slowly, become the breath. Linger here. The night is long.
Winter Solstice: Time to savor the sweetness of the dark. Nothing to fear. It's only you. And millions of years of Earth's turning; away and then back, away and then back towards the light. It's all you. The dark, the light, the fire, the night: it's all you. You're all it. Sweet oneness, savored in the dark.
Winter Solstice: A sacred link, where Earth's veil thins, the unseen, seen. Images of ancestors and ancient roots threading back beyond time. Back to first humans, their fires still burning to call back the light. We are the ones who hold them sacred. We honor their struggles, their triumphs. We're here due to them. They gave us our blood.
Winter Solstice: A time to reflect on your life in this moment. Like never before, or ever again, reflect on this sweet, fragile moment.
Winter Solstice: A time to let go of what burdens. Empty out stones sitting heavy in the heart. Let bygones be bygones. Acknowledge. Forgive. Begin again.
Winter Solstice: A fertile time, a time to ready the womb; a time for pregnant possibility. A time to sow seeds of imagination that germinate in the darkness. A time to tend the inner hearth; be warmed by the coals of creativity.
Winter Solstice: The union of opposites. Fullness: emptying. Emptiness: filling. The shortest day meets the longest night. Celebrate the dark. Greet the light. We've journeyed long; we've journeyed far. In summer, we rejoiced in the sun, now absent. In winter, we settle into the night, now present. We draw inward, tuck in our wings to keep warm. All flights are canceled.
Winter Solstice: A time to check inner weather and road conditions. Are you cold? Are you hot? Are you merely lukewarm? Is it stormy? Is it balmy? Are there blue skies inside? Does the road rise to meet you? Are you on shaky ground? Is it smooth? Is it rocky? Can you see where you are?
Winter Solstice: Can you be with it all, just as it is? No fighting, no trying, no pushing the river. It flows by itself, so you watch it. You notice. You see twigs and branches submerged in the stream of your life. Without effort, the water flows over, under and around it all. Nothing can stop it; it goes on forever. Like you do. Like I do. Like we do.
May you go on forever, like this most pregnant night of the year.
A brief ritual to include in your observance of Winter Solstice:
1) Set aside at least 30 minutes, preferably longer, but whatever works for you is fine.
3) Turn off all the lights. Settle in to the darkness.
4) Spend time with your eyes closed, breathing slowly, watching the breath.
5) Let your awareness settle down in your belly. Feel it fill and empty. See your life coming and going on each inhale and exhale. Feel the strength and fragility of each breath.
6) There's nothing to do but let go into the dark, allow it to hold you. Feel its safety. Thoughts arise and fall. Just watch them come and go. Return to the breath.
7) Remain in silence for several minutes after you've finished. Savor the moment.
8) At the end of 30 minutes or whenever you're complete, light some candles, build a fire, have a warm cup of tea or a hot drink of some kind and celebrate with yourself or those around you the possibilities found in the dark.
The Blessing of the newborn Sun God:
"Out of Darkness Light is Re-born. Carry the hope of this moment like a torch in your heart through the coming year. Let it sustain you in your times of darkness, and be a symbol of blessing in your times of joy. Let Peace be with you.
Wishing you and yours a Happy Solstice! May you find peace in the night.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
I entered this photograph in the people division, and it won a second place. The focus is not extremely sharp, and I was disappointed in the color quality. No photo editing is permitted in submitted photographs or they will be disqualified. This little girl was beautiful and adorable. She did exactly what I asked her to do. I told her to hold the leaves up and look at them instead of at me.
This photo won a second place in the Natural Scenes division. This is the old farmhouse in the park. I shot this picture while paying close attention to the reflection in the window pane. It came out very crisp and focused.
This doe photograph was submitted for the Animals/Wildlife division and won a third place. The focus could be sharper, but it is a peaceful, calming image.
Friday, December 18, 2009
CHANUKAH -- part 8

The first Hebrew letter in the holiday’s name has the sound of a guttural “h.” How would you prefer to render that in English – with an “h,” which can lead people to think that the word starts with an English “h” sound? Or how about using “ch” instead – which could lead some to think the sound is like the “ch” in “cheese”?
The choice is yours. Chew it over while you polish off your jelly donut.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
CHANUKAH -- part 7

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
CHANUKAH -- part 6

Today in Israel, Chanukah is celebrated as an act of national liberation. In the United States, the holiday’s subtext of religious freedom resonates.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
CHANUKAH -- part 5

by David Holzel
For the same reason that people line up outside Wal-Mart at 5 a.m. the day after Thanksgiving. There aren’t any set rules for gift-giving. But how can you not do something everyone else is doing? When it comes to commerce, Chanukah has been absorbed into the larger Christmas gift parade.
It wasn’t always that way. Once upon a time, children might get a few coins during Chanukah. I have a book about Jewish holidays published in 1938, which put it this way:“The children eat pancakes and count their coins, and consider themselves fortunate.”
Monday, December 14, 2009
CHANUKAH -- part 4

by David Holzel
Sunday, December 13, 2009
CHANUKAH -- part 3

by David Holzel
Saturday, December 12, 2009
CHANUKAH -- part 2

8 Chanukah Mysteries Revealed (continued)
by David Holzel
2. So why is Chanukah 8 days (nights) long?
The first Chanukah celebration lasted eight days, in imitation of the eight-day fall harvest holiday called Sukkot (the festival of Huts), which the Maccabees had not been able to celebrate in their mountain redoubts. Jewish holidays begin at sundown because that’s when the new day begins, according to the Jewish calendar.
Friday, December 11, 2009

To put yourself in the right frame of mind, think 2,000 years ago. Better yet, think 2,200ish years ago. Thanks to Alexander the Great, Hellenistic kings rule in the Middle East, and Hellenistic culture has been embraced by the region’s elites.
Now focus on Judea – at the time, the area immediately surrounding and including Jerusalem. It was from the mountains and caves of Judea that a rebellion of traditionalist Jews, known as the Maccabees, broke out against the rule of Antiochus, the Damascus-based Hellenistic king, and those Jews who had abandoned their traditions in favor of Hellenistic ways.
King Antiochus tried to root out local religions in his empire. In Judea, that meant outlawing circumcision, kosher food and the Jewish Sabbath and, in 169 BCE, introducing pagan sacrifices in the Temple in Jerusalem.
The Maccabees fought a guerrilla war against Antiochus’s forces for three years, before recapturing Jerusalem in 166 BCE. They immediately began to cleanse the Temple of its ritual impurities. And on the 25th of the Jewish month of Kislev (roughly corresponding to December), they made the first burnt offering in the rededicated Temple.
That was the first Chanukah, which means “dedication” in Hebrew. And it has been celebrated beginning on the 25th of Kislev every year since.
Thursday, December 10, 2009

In a poll conducted by SIMPLY HIRED, a job-search company based in California, 66 percent of dog owners say they would work longer hours if they could bring their four-footed pals to work, and 32 percent say they would work for less money if

SIMPLY HIRED partnered with to identify dog-friendly companies because, RED HERRING points out, "more US households have pets than children."
What do you think?
Sunday, December 06, 2009
This piece was very intricate. It was made by one of the other potters.
Another small Raku vase/pot by Ron.
This bowl showed one of the most colorful Raku glazes. The single holly leaf added a bit of interest. I was thrilled to pick up the iridescence so well.
If you are shopping for that unique piece of art -- either pottery or glass, visit Ron Andress and see his work. You won't be disappointed and just may find that perfect gift you want for a special person. 215-345-9911.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009

1. Adhesive bandages in a variety of sizes
2. Sterile gauze pads and cloth tape to secure them
3. Latex-free disposable gloves
4. Tweezers
5. A thermometer (digital variety is safest)
6. Triple antibiotic ointment
7. Antiseptic wipes
8. A face mask to use when administering CPR
9. Topical antihistamines and aspirin
10. First-aid instructions

If you don't have _________________ try ________________
1. 1 teaspoon lemon juice -- try 1/2 teaspoon white wine vinegar
2. 1 cup cake flour -- try 1 cup less 2 TBL all purpose flour
3. 1 cup buttermilk -- try 1 cup milk plus 1 TBL lemon juice, or 1 cup plain yogurt
4. 1 cup brown sugar -- try 3/4 cup granulated sugar plus 1/4 cup molasses
5. 1 cup heavy cream -- try 2/3 cup milk plus 1/3 cup melted butter
6. 1 cup ricotta cheese -- try 1 cup cottage cheese

Tired of not knowing how to reach a live person? Here's how to skip the guesswork, courtesy of
Here are a few:
Friday, November 27, 2009
TWINKLE, TWINKLE LITTLE STAR (re-sung by science!)
Twinkle, twinkle little star
You're a ball of gas that's very far.
32 light years in the sky
10 parsecs which is really high.
Helium, carbon and hy-dro-gen
Fuse to make our starry friend.
When it enters supernova stage
It explodes with bursts of rays.
And if the star's mass is big and bold
It will become a black hole!
For other great ideas, go to Girls Go Tech.
The photograph was taken in the rain at Fanny Chapman Park in Doylestown. For the best view click on the photo to see it full size. The rain drops on the branches will then be visible. The pond fountain is in the background.
Friday, November 20, 2009

When I attended the American Association of School Libraries Conference in 2006, I heard Dr. Ross Todd, an amazingly inspirational visionary in the field of school librarianship. He is Associate Professor at Rutgers University School of Communication, Information & Library Studies, Department of Library & Information Science. He is also the Director of CISSL
(Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries).
Dr. Todd emphasized that READING not become a lost art – today we find ourselves in a sort of CATCH 22 situation when it comes to reading. Librarians have always been strong proponents for reading, but now their jobs also require them to be leaders in technology. Reading has been victimized by the digital information explosion. We need to re-think and create reading incentives that incorporate technology. . . . and to get kids to read, we need to address the reasons why they don’t.
Several years ago I read a marvelous article where the British Royal Society of Literature asked authors to nominate 10 books they think children should read before they leave school. This was part of a quest to develop a universal list. Most named well known classics like Alice in Wonderland, Dr. Seuss, Catcher in the Rye, something by Shakespeare, or The Hobbit.
But, in my opinion, African poet and novelist Ben Okri came up with the best reading list which he titled 10 1/2 Inclinations.
1. There is a secret trail of books meant to inspire and enlighten you. Find that trail.
2. Read outside your own nation, color, class, gender.
3. Read the books your parents hate.
4. Read the books your parents love.
5. Have one or two authors that are important, that speak to you; and make their works your secret passion.
6. Read widely, for fun, stimulation, escape.
7. Don’t read what everyone else is reading. Check them out later, cautiously.
8. Read what you’re not supposed to read.
9. Read for your own liberation and mental freedom.
10. Books are like mirrors. Don’t just read the words. Go into the mirror. That is where the real secrets are. Inside. Behind. That’s where the gods dream, where our realities are born.
10½. Read the world. It is the most mysterious book of all.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I've had wall paper removed in my family room and foyer. The walls now have a fresh coat of paint. It's exciting to see the difference. Next are new draperies which are being made by a neighbor of a good friend. As I am restoring order to the rooms, I am making changes. Throwing away some things, giving away others, and rearranging shelves and wall hangings.
I've also been changing my photographs in Photoshop which is a software program that allows the photographer to manipulate the photographs in a myriad of ways. I am so eager to learn how to make this software work for me, I ordered the book Photoshop 7 for Dummies.
And now I have a new look for my blog as well.
The photograph is of our cat Kristie who is 18 years old.
Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

1. as a marriage symbol
2. as homage
3. as cow control
4. as rodeo routine
Here are a few that came to my mind.
5. as a way to hoist and dry clothes
6. as a restraint
7. for rescue purposes
8. as a swing
Now, what can YOU add to the list?
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009
The final two Latin phrases:
9. Memento Mori(meh-MEN-toh MOR-ee): “Remember, you must die”
Carpe diem is so 20th century. If you’re going to suck the marrow out of life, trying doing it with the honest, irrefutable, and no less inspiring memento mori. You can interpret the phrase in two ways: Eat, drink, and party down. Or, less hedonistically, be good so you can get past the pearly gates. Naturally, the latter was the one preferred by the early Christian Church, which would use macabre art—including dancing skeletons and snuffed-out candles—to remind the faithful to forgo temporal pleasures in favor of eternal bliss in heaven. The phrase also served to prevent swelling heads. Some historians say that victorious, parading Roman generals would have servants stand behind them and whisper “memento mori” in their ears to keep their egos in check.
10. Sui Generis(SOO-ee JEN-er-is): “Of its own genus,” or “Unique and unable to classify”
Frank Zappa, the VW Beetle, cheese in a can: Sui generis refers to something that’s so new, so bizarre, or so rare that it defies categorization. Granted, labeling something “sui generis” is really just classifying the unclassifiable. But let’s not over-think it. Use it at a dinner party to describe Andy Kaufman, and you impress your friends. Use it too often, and you just sound pretentious.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
On with the Latin phrases!
7. Ad Hominem(ad HAH-mi-nem): “To attack the man”
In the world of public discourse, ad hominem is a means of attacking one’s rhetorical opponent by questioning his or her reputation or expertise rather than sticking to the issue at hand. Translation: Politicians are really good at it. People who resort to ad hominem techniques are usually derided as having a diluted argument or lack of discipline. If pressed, they’ll brandish it like a saber and refuse to get back to the heart of the matter. Who said the debate team doesn’t have sex appeal?
8. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam(ad-MA-yor-em DAY-ee GLOR-ee-um): “All for the Greater Glory of God”
Ad majorem dei gloriam is often shortened to AMDG. In other words, it’s the WWJD of the Jesuits, who’ve been drilling the mantra into their followers since (Saint) Ignatius of Loyola founded the Catholic Order in 1534. They believe all actions, big or small, should be done with AMDG in mind. Remind your Jesuit-educated buddies of this when they seem to be straying from the path. (Best used with a wink and a hint of irony.)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Two more Latin phrases for your perusal.
5. E Pluribus Unum(EE PLUR-uh-buhs OOH-nuhm): “Out of many, one”
Less unique than it sounds, America’s original national motto, e pluribus unum, was plagiarized from an ancient recipe for salad dressing. In the 18th century, haughty intellectuals were fond of this phrase. It was the kind of thing gentlemen’s magazines would use to describe their year-end editions. But the term made its first appearance in Virgil’s poem “Moretum” to describe salad dressing. The ingredients, he wrote, would surrender their individual aesthetic when mixed with others to form one unique, homogenous, harmonious, and tasty concoction. As a slogan, it really nailed that whole cultural melting pot thing we were going for. And while it continues to appear on U.S. coins, “In God We Trust” came along later (officially in 1956) to share the motto spotlight.
6. Quid Pro Quo(kwid proh KWOH): “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”
Given that quid pro quo refers to a deal or trade, it’s no wonder the Brits nicknamed their almighty pound the “quid.” And if you give someone some quid, you’re going to expect some quo. The phrase often lives in the courtroom, where guilt and innocence are the currency. It’s the oil that lubricates our legal system. Something of a quantified value is traded for something of equal value; elements are parted and parceled off until quid pro quo is achieved.