Sunday, July 05, 2009


I have read several articles on "dependence" as part of the July Fourth newspaper issues. Most of us like to think we are "independent," but we use the term loosely. It is a given that we all are dependent in many respects -- we depend upon stores to provide us with food; we depend on institutions to support our employment; we depend on utilities to provide living comfort; we depend on family and friends for emotional support....

In spite of these dependencies, we exist under the illusion that we ARE independent.

As a caregiver to my 96 year old mother, her dependency upon me is draining. No matter how much someone WANTS to provide for a loved one, it is still a tremendous investment in physical and emotional energy.

1 comment:

Honeygo Beasley said...

A lot of wisdom is in your words.
You are a caring, kind person ... and we are all connected. Glad to know you!