Friday, August 07, 2009


On his blog Jon Katz referred to chasing sunsets. I never really thought about chasing sunsets because I figured when you see a great sunset, you would just photograph it. However, the other evening I was out and had my camera with me. I saw this beautiful sunset, and I chased it. I followed it until I got to a spot that offered an unobstructed view of the sunset but with some landscaping to add interest to the photograph. And I was lucky! I under exposed the shot for dramatic orange color, and this is an unretouched phtograph, unlike yesterday's photos in Manipulated Photography. The real thing is always far superior, in my opinion.


Honeygo Beasley said...

Do you capture the full moon the other day? See my bog. Sunsets, moons and stars...

Have a nice weekend, Deb!

Debbie said...

Yes, I did get it on Tuesday evening on my way home from agility class. I had my camera with me, and I pulled over and took a bunch of shots on different settings. I will post it tomorrow.