Karin Jurick
Friends and family regret to announce the death of the artist
Karin Jurick.
02/09/1961 - 06/16/2021
3 years ago
"How does one keep from growing old inside? Surely only in community. The only way to make friends with time is to stay friends with people…. Taking community seriously not only gives us the companionship we need, it also relieves us of the notion that we are indispensable." (Robert McAfee Brown)
Hi Debbie,
My best guess would be the grates on a drawbridge. Rick
It looks like one of our subway grates . . . but i don't think you've been to NYC :)
I agree, taken under a bridge.
Well, I've stared at it from all angles, hmmmmm, it could be something very, very small, like a razor , I know it looks like a grate I see sky? thats too easy, the bottom of a bench? ok you got me ... hope you'll post what it is and soon too! thanks for your visits to my blog.
Well I thought it was this and I thought it was that. Maybe you have been spending time in a sewer? A sewer grating? But truly, I haven't a clue!
Hmmm...I'd have to go along with a subway grate (which also exist in Philly)... or maybe it's a welcome mat photographed from the bottom (why someone would be holding a welcome mat in the air to photograph the bottom of it is beyond me!)...or maybe it's...(I could go on....LOL)
My friend Cathy said, "I think you were looking up thru some kind of a vent or were inside the sewer pipes & shot thru a sewer vent!"
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