Tuesday, August 04, 2009


My friend Wendi is a serious hobby breeder of English Labrador Retrievers. The other day she invited me to go with her to pick up three 7 week old puppies that were whelped by a female she co-owns for breeding. The litter had two black and two yellow puppies. The family that owns the dam kept one of the yellow pups. Here is the bunch in an old Radio Flyer wagon.

This little black pup was in the soccer goal net, looking like he was waiting for the ball.

It was a hot day, and the pups would lie down in the shade to take a break, but pretty soon they were up and running around again.

There was lots of shade under the wagon too. I love this shot. I entered this one in the Dog.Com Cutest Dog Contest. I would appreciate your votes -- you can vote once a day -- follow this link to vote, and THANK YOU for your support.
Resting in the grass and gathering energy for the next burst of activity.

Where is everyone?

1 comment:

Honeygo Beasley said...

Great shots! You have a great eye. I love the shot you picked for the cutest dog contest. I voted for you!