Time to tell the truth and reveal the mystery photograph posted yesterday. I was under a metal bridge looking upward. The entire bridge is metal and crosses the Neshaminy Creek where Hannah and I were enjoying quiet time beside the water. Rick and Cindy guessed correctly.
-Rig Veda (Hindu)
What do you think are other names for TRUTH? I would love to hear your thoughts. Poet Emily Dickinson believes that BEAUTY is another name for TRUTH. I love this poem of hers.
I died for Beauty— but was scarce
Adjusted in the Tomb
When One who died for Truth, was lain
In an adjoining room—
He questioned softly “Why I failed?"
“For Beauty”, I replied—
“And I— for Truth—
Themself are One—
We Brethren, are”, He said—
And so, as Kinsmen, met a Night—
We talked between the Rooms—
Until the Moss had reached our lips—
And covered up—
our names.
(Emily Dickinson)
That's a hard question. Hmmm. I don't know if I can think of one word, but I think the best stories, even the most fantastical ones, capture the truth in ways that non fiction never manages to.
Interesting Margaret -- could it be the difference between universal truths and factual truths? Thank you for your comment. It triggers thinking. Hopefully others will offer their thoughts as well.
I'm not sure one can ever say that there is one truth, and hesitate to even try to define what is truth. It seems that much of the evil and harm that has come our way, almost forever, has come from those who say they own the truth, or from those who are convinced that they have found the one true way, and then are determined to impose it on others, whether through subtle manipulation, force, or idelological persuasion. I stay away from truth sayers, for the most part.
And yet truth seekers, such as you, Debbie, and maybe all of us, certainly seem to do no harm. What is the alternative? It drives us to make sense out of the chaos and meaness around us, to enjoy our good and wonderful friends, push for justice, get angry with wrong-headed politicians, and speak out for what is right - as my comrade in thought and heart, Dottie Glessner, as done lo these many years.
I agree with Margaret, truth is captured in stories, especially these days as I re-read Flannery O'Connor, and some particle of 'truth' hits home in almost all of her writing. And, truth, too, is morrored in the lives of exceptional people: Eleanor Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and Dorothy Day come to mind.
Thanks, Deb, for placing this age-old question out there, and letting a few of us come around it again.
I am inclined to say another word for Truth is G*d.
And also Nature.
Another word could also be Enlightening. For truth is enlightening.
Have a great day! I am enjoying your thought-provoking post and the comments others are leaving, too.
I have always felt that Honor and Wisdom were also other words for Truth.
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